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Standings for: 6000 lbs. Stock Tractor
Grand Falls, NB Woodstock, NB Crapaud, PEI
Place # Owner Vehicle Hook #1Hook #1Hook #1 Total
1 781 Kasie Graham Now Or Never - 1959 Oliver 77062214 42
2 7997 82112 41
3 703 71810 35
4 720 Brennan Carpenter 1962 Oliver Super 77 - 169 25
5 8019 (MTTPA) Mason Carpenter - 1013 23
6 640 Ben Everett Farmall 450 - 128 20
6 748 Tyler Ketch Cockshutt - 20 - 20
7 717 Scott Brooks - 19 - 19
8 756 Jud Grant - 17 - 17
9 771 Eric Pryor Cockshutt 40 - 97 16
10 755 Sheldon Acott - 15 - 15
10 7017 Malcolm Ferguson - - 15 15
11 648 Reese Thomas - 14 - 14
12 752 Greg Ketch 1953 Cockshutt 50 - 13 - 13
13 728 Gordon Thompson Old Red - Farmall 460 - - 12 12
14 778 Carter McLaughlin - 11 - 11
15 7974 Real Cyr 9 - - 9
16 715 Shawn Brooks - 8 - 8
17 790 (MTTPA) Jorja Voutour Grampy's Ollie - 1962 Oliver Super 77 - 7 - 7
18 652 Mitchell Carter - 6 - 6
18 636 Andrew Graham - - 6 6
19 7011 Andy Martin 4 - - 4
19 775 Bob Hamilton - 4 - 4
19 7069 Mason Boule - - 4 4